Mnestic/Roaches Deluxe EP
After the great succes of the second THE-ZONE vinyl
here’s come the digital version!
A great musical journey start…with stop in Italy Germany, Holland and Mexico .
Different approaches in the use of machines and different influences, 3 “Techno Star” as Alex Bau, Luis Flores and Red Square, comparing their styles on Frankie Serious original tracks.
Mnestic / Roaches , 2 mental & hypnotic tracks where thin voices are supported by thumping rhythmic, result: a great techno groove!
The Ep opens with Luis Flores Remix that completely transforms the original Mnestic into a more “clubbing” version by enhancing the groove and the mentality, a perfect and elegant interlocking between voices and chords for a clear reminder of Detroit old school techno, but with whipping snare and other elements creating the perfect ambience in a “cerebral and spiritual traditions of the land of the Maya”.
Red Square is the second remix, with great technique, make Roaches full of hypnotism, through repetitive and mental pads combine with a sharp rhythmic creating a totally visionary track.
The latest remix is from Alex Bau, where the rhythm and bass swell, becoming more powerful and hard, till to create a difficult job for the subwoofer, in the perfect “Berlin Techno” style but with a Big Surprise waiting to be discovered in the middle of the track that only his genius could invent.
After the original of Roaches (last vinyl track) there are two great BONUS tracks for this digital version: Rails’ Friend & Peak Edit, powerfl and wonderful closing tracks!
A release that is in fact all a big surprise, track after track, in different styles and interpretations of three great artists on two perfects originals and two bonus tracks.
After 2 years…Finally we are on vinyl again!
A great musical journey start…with stop in Italy Germany, Holland and Mexico .
Different approaches in the use of machines and different influences, 3 “Techno Star” as Alex Bau, Luis Flores and Red Square, comparing their styles on Frankie Serious original tracks.
Mnestic / Roaches , 2 mental & hypnotic tracks where thin voices are supported by thumping rhythmic, result: a great techno groove!
The A Side, however, opens with Luis Flores Remix that completely transforms the original Mnestic into a more “clubbing” version by enhancing the groove and the mentality, a perfect and elegant interlocking between voices and chords for a clear reminder of Detroit old school techno, but with whipping snare and other elements creating the perfect ambience in a “cerebral and spiritual traditions of the land of the Maya”.
In the B-side, Red Square open, with great technique, make Roaches full of hypnotism, through repetitive and mental pads combine with a sharp rhythmic creating a totally visionary track.
The latest remix, first of Roaches original that closes the album, is from Alex Bau, where the rhythm and bass swell, becoming more powerful and hard, till to create a difficult job for the subwoofer, in the perfect “Berlin Techno” style but with a Big Surprise waiting to be discovered in the middle of the track that only his genius could invent.
A vinyl that is in fact all a big surprise, track after track, in different styles and interpretations of three great artists on two perfects originals!
Dopo 2 anni d’attesa si torna al vinile|
Un grande viaggio sonoro che parte dall’Italia toccando Germania, in Olanda fino al Messico.
Differenti approcci nell’utilizzo delle macchine e differenti influenze, provenienti da 3 grandi nomi del mondo Techno internazionale come Alex Bau, Luis Flores e Red Square, si confrontano sullo stile delle original di Frankie Serious, grande cultore del suono analogico.
Mnestic / Roaches, 2 tracks ipnotiche e mentali dove voci sottili e bassi rotolanti supportate da ritmiche incalzanti creano un grande groove!
Il Lato A però si apre con il remix di Luis Flores: che trasforma completamente l’original, potenziando il groove e la mentalità di Mnestic rendendola “clubbing” attraverso un un perfetto gioco di incastro elegante tra voci e un accordo di chiaro richiamo old school techno Detroit, frustate di snare e sonagli il tutto a creare un’ambientazione spirituale e celebrale in perfetta tradizione della terra dei Maia.
Nel Lato B invece la partenza è affidata a Red Square, con grandissima tecnica, carica la track di ipnotismo, attraverso pads ripetitivi e mentali “comunicanti” tra loro e incastrati su una ritmica tagliente creando un ambientazione totalmente visionaria.
L’ultimo remix, prima di Roaches original che chiude il disco, è quello di Alex Bau dalla Germania, dove la ritmica ed i bassi si gonfiano, diventando più potenti e duri creando un arduo lavoro per i subwoofer attraverso un chiaro richiamo alla stile “technoide” berlinese ma con una grande sorpresa, tutta da scoprire nel mezzo della track, che solo la sua genialità poteva inventare.
Un disco che in realtà è tutta una grande sorpresa, track dopo track, negli stili e chiavi di lettura diverse di tre grandi artisti, su due original perfette!
[Giosuè Impellizzeri’s review]
La propensione per la Techno è inequivocabile, seppur di tanto in tanto l’etichetta capitolina abbia riservato qualche gradita sorpresa di taglio trasversale (Arz, ALH, TraXiss).
A quasi due anni dal “Prehypnotic EP” di Logotech, The-Zone Records torna a scommettere sulla plastica circolare, e lo fa attraverso Frankie Serious, che peraltro ha già occupato un numero del catalogo digitale col “Cells EP” del 2011. Romano anche lui, Francesco Seri è un patito di strumenti analogici e, ovviamente, di Techno, stile che per l’occasione convoglia in due brani: “Mnestic”, incessante crescendo di pathos e ritmo, e “Roaches”, contraddistinto da suoni quasi liquefatti sincronizzati su un pressante beat che non conosce esitazione.
Così come avvenuto per il citato EP di Logotech, il team di The-Zone lascia completare il lavoro a tre remixer d’eccezione: “Mnestic” viene ritoccata dal messicano Luis Flores, che ne attenua lievemente l’impatto, mentre a “Roaches” ci pensano prima l’olandese Sander van der Veer alias Red Square, con una versione in cui gli elementi vengono combinati geometricamente, e poi il tedesco Alex Bau che fa divampare le fiamme e fa grondare energia.
Un The-Zone davvero caldo, in cui la temperatura sale traccia dopo traccia.
La scelta del colore rosso nell’artwork, dunque, acquista un preciso significato.
THE-ZONE returns to the sound of Techno. Frankie Serious presents an eclectic 6 tracks EP that involves different subgenres, but with a common attention to the different forms of nowadays Techno.
Everything is enhanced by elements coming from analog synths that warm up the sound and feed it with soul. From the opening first track called “HYBRIS”, where synths and “timestretching” experimentations draw an immediate energetic drive, to the dark and hypnotic sound built up on a deep bassline from the following track: “NOVA”.
“CELLS”, the track which gives the name to the whole EP, sounds personal and intimate: the minimal and hypnotic rhythmic matrix creates a substrate that supports a melodic sharp synth-lead.
“SUBCOLOURS” is a great impact track: dark techno built on a deep bassline, strictly oriented to the dancefloor.
The last 2 tracks are “SONAV” and “RES”: the first one is really essential and, in a different way, “old style”: obviously techno, with some classic percussive elements from past drum machines; the last track, “RES”, is the dirtiest one, including a massive kick that confirms and emphasizes a release which THE-ZONE RECORDS is proud to propose you.