Daytona Team

Daytona Team Bio
Daytona techno-minimalpunk Group, which is testimony toan abduction sound, a total escape from reality, socialnonconformity, merged with broken and repetitive rhythms,melodies and a lot of strength synthetic Live reaching brainoverflow immersed in a subcutaneous catharsis. Molinade Segura in Murcia .
Group formed in 1998 by Jesus aka resset & juanjo,starting as the duo playing raves throughout the Mediterranean area, Alicante and Murcia, organized by PAL and FMP (Free Minds Parties) from Alicante.
Later he joined the group Gotxa DJ and MC Roger, the latteras a singer.
The success, the applause of the public and a summer oflove and ecstasy …encourages these kids to go out and play electronic music festivals:
Denia Festival 2001, MACMA Fest 2002 (Alicante – Spain),Festival PHASE 0.5 2005 (Cartagena -Spain) ,FUSIONFEST IVAL 2005 (Germany), Pulp Mansion Club (Berlin)2007, LOVE SOUND FEST IVAL 2008 (Spain) , ContiendasFestival 2010 (Spain), Technosys Festival 2011-2012(Spain), Festa della Musica 2013 Milano (Italy),Auf dem Feld Open Air 2013 Marburg (Germany).Mc 505 and Mc 303 roland, Mc 909, mc 808, dr 202, sp 808,Elektron machinedrum, roland sh 32, Korg Triton le64, korgElectribe EM1 and ar1,Jomox Xbase 09, korg Electribe Sx, Mc 09, tr 606, Traktorand some more bugs, which have a spacecraft more than astudy.
Daytona Team Sahred stage actually with:A Guy Called Gerald, Pacou, Luciano, Magda , Kaiserdisco,Silicone Soul, NIck Fanciulli, Butch, Tobi Neumann, M.I.A. ,John Tejada, Transglobal Underground, Shin Nishimura , djMurphy, Uto karem , Pendulum , Po-Pof, Paco Osuna, PaulRich, Angel molina , Marc Marcenit , Mark broom, Sideral,Sebastian Leger and many others..Daytona Team from 2010 to now take the direction of MonaRecords Label Spain.At the last 2012 Daytona Team signed with the labelMixworks/Detroit over the direction of Buzz Goree UR(Underground Resistance)