The-Zone Radio – Friday 28 July 2017

IT Time: 23.00 – UK Time 10pm – pick yours!

  • Live show with: The Best Of “The-Zone”
  • DJ Onair Live by: Mik from The-Zone
    and DJ Pitt (Vinly only)
  • Top10 Chart – July 2017
  • Mix’n’Nigh till 07 am! with:
    Music all night with The-Zone Podcasts
Timeline: IT: 23.00 - 23.30 UK: 10pm - 10.30pm

Live Show: Intro with The Best of The-Zone Rec latest releases


Last show of the season!
Starting with a recap of latest The-Zone Records & The-Zone Cult releases

  • Light Spheres – Space Echo EP (The-Zone Cult 006)
  • M.I.T.A – Forgotten Galaxy EP [Industrialyzer Remix] (The-Zone Rec 052)
  • Andreas Florin – Analog Assassins EP (The-Zone Rec 053)
  • Francesco Terranova – Multipurpose EP (The-Zone Rec 054)
Timeline: IT: 23.30 - 01.00 UK: 10.30pm - 00am

Live Show: DJset onair Live

Ultima puntata della stagione e la chiudiamo alla grande!
Due DJset in diretta da scaricare gratuitamente

Il primo da MIK di The-Zone (Right click save as)

il secondo, per la prima volta ospite da noi,
DJ PITT (Right click save as)
Dai Rave al “club scene”, da oltre 20 anni un vero DJ vinyls lover!

In consolle, ci hann regalato le ultime chicche della stagione, rigorosamente in vinile!


Timeline: IT: 01.00 - 02.00 UK: 00am - 01am

Top10 Chart - July 2017

From June to now, the best 10 tunes presented in The-Zone Radio show, in one hour chart!

1- Francesco Terranova – Multipurpose EP (The-Zone Rec 054) OUT NOW!
2- Cari Lekebusch – Knowledge EP (H-Productions 034)
3- Lionel Weets – Aa.Vv. 15 Years Of Motech LP (Motech Records 015LP)
4- Brian Sanhaji – Multiverse EP (Sensor Rec 003)
5- Ben Long – Aa.Vv. Olympus EP (Advanced Black 037)
6- Marco Bailey – Aa.Vv. Kompile Research Pt.2 EP (Kombination Research)
7- Cristian Varela – Project 10s EP (ID Rec 129)
8- P-Ben – Another Stage EP (GN 110)
9- Dominik Eulberg & Essay – Dream Machine EP (Traum V211)
10- Dj Nasty – Aa.Vv. 15 Years Of Motech LP (Motech Records 015LP)

Timeline: IT: 02.00 - 07.00 UK: 01am - 06am

Mix'n' Night

After The Live Show,
Music All Night! TILL 07 AM!!

Official on iTunes too!